Sasha Ray
In a world where change is the only constant, some individuals transcend boundaries and embrace the diversity of experiences life has to offer. Sasha Ray has carved a unique path that weaves together the threads of transformation, cultural fusion, and unyielding determination.
Born in Ukraine, Sasha shares her time between Paris and Dubai where she is constantly working on some artistic ventures. While the pandemic reshaped the rules of business and creativity, the eruption of conflict in her beloved Ukraine triggered a reevaluation of her artistic pursuits and values. Navigating between Eastern traditions and Western modernity, Sasha defies cultural boundaries. Her adaptability is showcased by her innate ability to switch dimensions as she immerses herself in diverse cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives.
Behind the glamour of social media success and artistic accomplishments lies a woman who believes in authenticity and the pursuit of personal excellence.
Absolutely. However, the way one’s mindset changes when their beloved homeland is at war is incomparable to the consequences of COVID-19. I’ve been living abroad for over 12 years, but my family and friends are in Ukraine. Ukraine is my homeland, and like everyone else, I closely follow the news and eagerly await the end of this dreadful war. How has it impacted my creativity? I stopped writing songs in Russian and switched to Ukrainian. I began utilizing every opportunity to draw attention to Ukraine. Through my public presence and projects, I increasingly support Ukrainian brands and refrain from collaborating with Russian ones. The events of recent years have definitely led me to live differently, not postponing anything for the future and embracing the present.
Sasha Ray
I chose them precisely because they are so different. In Paris, I find what I lack in Dubai – culture, architecture, nature, people with class, manners, and upbringing, French cuisine and fresh produce, fashion and style. Paris is my wellspring of inspiration. On the other hand, Dubai is an incredibly progressive city, maximally comfortable for living. It’s safe, offers ample opportunities for newcomers, and is very welcoming to immigrants. This city resonates with those who embrace diversity, growth, and international living.
It comes rather naturally to me. I’ve been traveling extensively since childhood, always seeking to experience life in diverse countries and cultures. I adore people, exploring the world’s facets, and adjusting to various cultures, lifestyles, habits, and other differences. This has always come easily to me. Moving from one country to another feels like switching to a different dimension. It enriches and energizes me.
Sasha Ray in Dubai
My true home is undoubtedly in Ukraine. I’ve just returned from Kyiv, and despite the arduous journey, the war situation, the city alarms due to rocket attacks, I felt a profound charge, a soulful reconnection with family, and the breath of Ukrainian freedom. I even managed to shoot a music video that will premiere on August 24th, Ukraine’s Independence Day. Wherever I live, Ukraine will always be my home. However, due to my lifestyle and frequent travels, I’ve learned to find inspiration and comfort in any city worldwide.
It’s hard for me to pinpoint someone specific since I believe it’s a fragmented concept. I’ve never considered anyone as an exact role model. I might admire certain aspects of someone’s story or character traits. I’m drawn to the essence of “self-made” and feel it’s gaining momentum. There are countless examples among businesswomen, actresses, models, artists, writers…
Sasha Ray at Dubai Expo2020, the UAE Pavilion
Never try to replicate someone else’s story, always create your own unique one! Believe in yourself, despite what others or even close ones might say. Don’t lose hope after failures, just keep moving confidently forward. Don’t envy others and work diligently – on yourself, your habits, education, everything. Learn to genuinely celebrate others’ success. It’s crucial; it reflects personal growth that paves the way for broader horizons. Also, set goals rather than just dreaming. There’s a distinction.
I won’t focus on material aspects or speculate about achievements since I’m pragmatic and avoid juggling dreams. I’ll simply say that in ten years, I want to continue being happy, engaging in what I love, setting and attaining goals, and never stopping. Loving and being loved.